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If your paycheck and performance are dependent on your voice, it's time to level up your language for accelerated career and business growth.  Many Sales Professionals, Business Owners &  Leaders are requested and required to speak in order to convert prospects into paying clients, be taken seriously when presenting internally, or successfully sell themselves for career advancement opportunities. However, they struggle to communicate confidently when it really counts and costs them their reputation, revenue, and relevant relationships.



Luxury Language

According to Salesforce, 82% of sales professionals believe that a lack of communication and collaboration skills is the main barrier to closing sales deals. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities.


Sadly many individuals who are required to sell themselves or their companies' products and services have underdeveloped communication which is essential in high-pressure situations internally and externally. 


Speaking and communicating is no longer a “soft” skill but a superior skill that leaders, business owners, and sales representatives must master in order to influence clients and boost the bottom line of their company or organization. 


Quinn’s custom keynote presentations and professional development programs are designed to elevate the reputation, revenue, and relationships of those tasked with having conversations that convert into sales, leading diverse teams, and closing clients through effective business development activities.




Quinn Keynote Speech Presentation

Keynote #1:

Conversations that Convert


Many women business owners, leaders, and sales professionals want to improve and polish their presentation skills when prospecting or selling. However, they struggle to communicate confidently when it really counts and it’s costing them their reputation, revenue, and relevant relationships.

Conversations that Convert is a perspective-shifting presentation that exposes women in revenue-generating roles to how to strategically verbalize their value by leveling up their language. As a result, their communication confidence is increased allowing them to have a greater influence on those they desire to convert into clients, customers, or higher-paying contract opportunities.

Women in revenue-generating roles will learn how to:

Initiate conversations that result in clients and contracts on sales calls, conferences, or networking events.

Why have conversations that convert is the #1 strategy to increase sales consistently.

How science supports concepts of effective language and communication as a foundation of sustainable sales success.

How to make your voice visible when pitching and presenting even if you are the “only” woman or minority in the room.

Keynote #2:

Make HER Voice Visible
in the Workplace

Many women are awesome and amazing at what they do but struggle to verbalize their value, communicate with confidence, or present their ideas/suggestions in a way that's clear, concise, and compelling.


As a result, many qualified women are overlooked for promotions, silent when they want to speak up, or worse not taken seriously by their male counterparts because they lack effective public and professional communication skills.


This powerful presentation turns up the volume on the voices of aspiring and current women in leadership positions. At the end of this talk, women in the workplace will learn how to leverage communication as a competitive advantage to excel in their careers.

Audience members will learn:

How to speak with confidence without saying a word.


The art of verbalizing their value in high-pressure situations.


The importance of using wealthy, NOT weak words in all verbal and written workplace communication.


Effective communication strategies to leverage when conversing with colleagues or co-workers.


How their voice is their #1 superpower for accelerated career advancement.


Keynote #3:

Transform average events into EPIC experiences

Want to ensure your next meeting is mind-blowing and NOT boring?


The solution is to curate an event that keeps attendees top of mind!


It's easy to get overwhelmed with logistics, food and beverage minimums as well as vendor management, however, if you want your attendees to rave, return, build relevant relationships, and refer others to attend, you must ensure participants are a top priority in the planning process.


This powerful keynote presentation is designed to equip event and meeting planners with a refreshing and innovative audience-centric approach to the event planning process by making the event participants the central focus of the meeting or conference they are curating.

Presentation takeaways: 






Impress attendees, sponsors, and speakers with Visually and Verbally Vibrant 1st impressions


Verbalize the Value of your Offerings


Include intentional interactions through your event for maximum engagement


Leverage Compelling Communication when marketing and promoting your experience


Exceed Expectations so audience members rave, return, and build relevant relationships






This program is perfect for the following audiences and can be adapted into half-day or full-day training programs.

Meeting  & Event Planners


Conference & Venue Center Sales Managers


Marketing & Sales Professional in the Hospitality industry

Keynote #3:

Unsilence Your Success: The #1 secret
to becoming an Unstoppable Leader

The landscape of being an effective and efficient leader in today’s workforce is forever evolving. Quinn believes that if companies and organizations want to retain AND promote top talent, the voices of individuals who demonstrate leadership potential must be cultivated, welcomed, seen, heard, valued, and appreciated.  


Aspiring and current leaders who wish to get promoted, ace their interview, or stand out in their performance review will learn how to unsilence their success by making their voices visible in the workplace for intentional career advancement.

Presentation takeaways: 

Discover how to verbalize your value in high-pressure situations


Emody executive presence without saying a word


Execute a “luxury language leadership” style in all forms of corporate communication that boosts confidence and increases work productivity.


Communicate confidently to share ideas and project updates at internal and external meetings


Advance in your career by turning up the volume on your voice when it really counts


Quinn Speak

Quinn inspires sales professionals and entrepreneurs on how to develop and deliver a powerful pitch to impress investors and attract clients.

Quinn Conyers takes entrepreneurs through her journey of creating a profitable bag business with her boyfriend and how she funded it through business pitch competitions.

Quinn Conyers serves

as keynote speaker during

Women’s History inspiring women in the audience to lead in their

career and business with

Luxury Language.





Keynote Speaker

I had the privilege of seeing Quinn

be a keynote speaker at the Women's Leadership Conference in Green Bay

and all I can say is wow. She is a

great balance of inspiring, informative,

and realistically actionable items. I do not look forward to having to edit down

what I can actually implement.


I had so many ah-ha moments in this presentation like Wisdom Walk, color is Confidence, and Luxury Language to just name a few. Really an invaluable experience and I would recommend any female professional to take an opportunity to

see Quinn (men too)!

Erin Ginn
Servant Leader

Quinn truly excelled in her role as a keynote speaker. Quinn delivered a compelling speech that was a masterclass in luxury language and business lessons with personal anecdotes. Her words left attendees feeling empowered, motivated, and ready to take on the business world with renewed vigor.


Quinn Conyers' performance at the
expo was more than just a keynote; it was
a transformative experience that left an indelible mark on all attendees. She embodies the spirit of the Virginia Black Business Expo & Conference, and her contribution has undoubtedly elevated this year's event to new heights.


In conclusion, Quinn Conyers was a beacon
of inspiration, wisdom, and charisma at the 4th Annual Virginia Black Business Expo
& Conference. Her exceptional abilities
as an emcee and keynote speaker are unmatched and have set a new standard
for future events. Bravo, Quinn!


We look forward to building a continued relationship and having you back in 2024!

Ernisha Hall
President & CEO
The Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce

Quinn is a bundle of energy & inspiration!
I attended a virtual presentation where Quinn was the presenter on EPIC events.
The energy & enthusiasm she projected in the virtual environment was incredible -
I can only imagine it must be even more
magnified in person. Quinn is genuine,
full of information, and very responsive to questions from the audience. She'll be on my list of speakers/MCs to consider
for future programs.

Carolyn Browning, CMP, CMM, HMCC
President & CEO | MEETing Needs

Event Professional & Member of MPI Ohio

Event Planner & Members of MPI Ohio

College Student
studying Event Planning

Quinn's Satisfied Keynote Clients Include

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